
It is Harman's commitment that through working with her you will find the acceptance necessary to disarm old toxic patterns, establish healthy lasting relationships, stop relying on coping mechanisms, and activate your system to heal. Her role is to keep the torch lit along the way to embracing yourself completely.

OUR Mission

Our mission is to co-construct frames around what’s happening now. By exploring limitations, and expanding thresholds we deepen the loving relationship within ourselves. By letting go of all that isn’t serving, we open space for new narratives, new expressions of love, and new possibilities beyond our wildest dreams. By establishing true self-trust we make a better, brighter and more beautiful inner world and outward view.


Every person is unique, as every flower and tree are also unique. The Mind-Body Actualization Method™ Harman uses was deveolped over 20 years of her own personal recovery path and studies of human behavior. It is rooted in psychology, anthropology, sociology, mindfulness, performance art experiments, general cultural studies of intrapersonal and interpersonal studies,   and mediumship practices.  Watering a tree is maintenance. If we want to design a reality that is more aligned with our ideals, we must redirect the paths to the past. This unblocking of  old patterns and dismantling of the self-saboteur is like pulling stubborn weeds from a garden. These weeds must be plucked out by the root. When we give ourself permission to fully accept and understand our capacities and ideals, our barren trees blossom into a fruitful orchard.  


I took the advice, Do what scares you most, first. Thoughts are patterns that repeat. Memories become stories we tell ourselves. The more we rely on the past narrative the longer we stay stuck in the loop of the patterned behavior. The healing equation is simple:
- Create new thoughts that serve your highest good + build new patterns through repeating serving behaviors  = accept life as it is, and be in a state of ease with all that unfolds as it unfolds.
I’m here as a soundboard, a mirror, a sister, and a place where you can safely express your feelings without shame or remorse. My intention is to help serve in the expansion and growth of all people.  My practice is influenced by the exploration of limiting beliefs and difficult emotional topics such as: vulnerability, insecurity, grief, shame, intimacy, and irrational fears. From my experience tangible self-love, safety, and security are the foundational pillars that make inner peace possible. We get to receive them by constructing new narratives by which make anything possible!